The Article Has Been Published But It Doesn’t Appear On Scopus, Why?
Scopus is one of the best and most well-known indexes in the world. Not all articles can be published, and those that are published in the Scopus journal must go through a rigorous review and revision procedure. Why The Article Has Been Published But It Doesn’t Appear
Articles that have been published in the Scopus journal, which means that the journal has been indexed by Scopus, will have a Scopus ID number. You can visit to search for journals and to view the SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank) ranking of your destination journal.There are several reasons why the article has been published but does not appear on Scopus. let’s see
1. Your article is not indexed by Scopus
The database in Scopus takes time to be reloaded, therefore articles published in Scopus journals will not appear in Scopus immediately. The time needed to wait for indexed articles is around 1-2 months after the article is published.
2. Unindexed Destination Journal by Scopus
The second reason is the possibility the journal published your article has not been indexed by Scopus. Even though the journal name appears in the SJR, double-check that your journal contains information indicating that the coverage is still ongoing.
3. Your New Article One
The Scopus ID cannot be instantly displayed if there is only one article you have published in the Scopus journal.
Here’s how to see the ID profile view: (add the Scopus ID number you got)
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