4 Tips How to Choose Journal Publication Service
The publication of scientific journals is important since it is one of the requirements for graduation or undergraduate, masters, doctoral and lecturer promotion. Therefore, it is crucial to choose the best journal publication service to ensure that your journal is published accurately and correctly. Our team has compiled up four recommendations for choosing journal publication services to make it easier for you to publish scientific publications.
1. Select a publication service based on scientific scopes
The first tip is to choose a journal publication service based on certain focus and scope. As a result, your journal will be published rapidly, especially when the publication service has a relevant topic to your scientific scope. Ensure the journal publication service is academic-focused, as your journal will be published in your expected scientific subject.
2. Find Publisher that Post “Call for Papers” ads.
Next, look for journal publishing services that announce calls for papers. Because the journal publication service is most likely to complete the review process, publish the LoA (Letter of Acceptance), and publish journals faster than other journal publishing services. While submitting your journal publication, check that the journal publishing service has an academic focus. Below is an example of a Call for Papers ad. to obtain more information about the journal.
3. Check Journal Indexation
The next tip you have to do is to check the accreditation of the journal publication service before you submit the journal manuscript. The purpose of checking an accreditation journal is to verify that the journal meets requirements, such as being accredited by SINTA. Another purpose is to avoid unauthorized journal publication services and assist you in avoiding fraud. For more assurance, you can verify journals on recognized portals such as SINTA for regional journals; and Scimago or DOAJ for international publications.
4. Perceive The Terms and Conditions provided by Journal Publication
The last step after you find a suitable journal publication service is following the terms and conditions provided by the journal publication service, such as the journal template, the number of journal pages, and other content in the journal. Your journal will be published if the terms and conditions are followed.
Journal Publication Recomendation
For information about publication journal, you can contact us