Follow This Tips, If Your Journal Is Rejected
Rejection is a common occurrence for those who submit manuscripts to journals, thus the journal publication process is not always simple and easy. due to the difficulty of getting articles published in journals, particularly those with high indexations like Scopus, Sinta, DOAJ, and others. Follow This Tips, follow this tips, if your journal is rejected
If your article is turned rejected by your target journal, you can do the these tips.
1. The reasons for Rejecting
The journal destination will inform you if your article is rejected. Read the reasons properly for the article’s rejection by the journal. the reason for rejection because the research topic does not fit within the guidelines of the objective journal, or the format of writing does not follow the rules, English or Indonesian was used, there were issues with the research’s quality (research design, research methods, data analysis, research techniques), and so on.
2. Edit your Article
Make general corrections or revisions to your article according to the suggestions provided in the journal’s rejection letter after reading them. The ability to conduct research, the availability of time, and your resources are all required for revision.
3. Check your research carefully
Before choosing the final journal and where to publish your research, double-check its reputation for accuracy. before submitting Check your article’s format corresponds to the requirements of your new destination journal. The format includes the font style, size, chapter and subchapter, table and inclusion guidelines, image requirements, and references.
Before submitting to the new journal publication, make the template revisions. Check the file format again if your article is ready for publication in the journal of your choice.
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