May 8, 2023

Arranging Textbooks from Semester Lesson Plan

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Arranging Textbooks from Semester Lesson Plan

Arranging Textbooks from Semester Lesson Plan


Textbooks are books that used as references for lecturers in teaching certain courses. In addition, this textbook is also used by students in teaching and learning activities that contain learning materials in accordance with the applicable curriculum.

Arranging textbooks is a mandatory activity that must be undertaken by lecturers. Textbooks are arranged by lecturers using language that is easily understood by students. Therefore, the lecturer can arrange it from the Semester Lesson Plan (RPS) that has been prepared. Consider the following points to arrange your RPS into a textbook:

Textbooks are arranged based on the Semester Lesson Plan

Semester Lesson Plan or commonly known as RPS is prepared by lecturers at the beginning of the semester. Textbooks are arranged by taking sources from the lesson plan. Textbooks must be arranged in accordance with the RPS in order to achieve the same purpose as in accordance with the RPS.
The textbook substances are in accordance with the Semester Lesson Plan.
The learning substance in the textbook is adjusted to the RPS and adapted to the needs in learning process.

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In addition, the writing of textbooks arranged from the Semester Lesson Plan must be in accordance with the prescribed textbook guidelines. One of the textbook guidelines is the book structure in the textbook contains such following below:

Introduction Page

– First, the textbook contains an introduction page consisting of a cover and table of contents.
Contents Page
– The second chapter in the textbook contains several sections which consist as follows:

The title is written in capital letters
Introduction which contains specific instructional objectives (ICT), entry behavior, the importance of learning the chapter content, and learning instructions.
Presentation of material, in this subchapter describes the material which is divided into several subchapters and summarizes it, then becomes questions and references.

– Last Page
The last page in the textbook guidelines consists of several parts. The first page in the textbook is the table of contents, indexation, and appendices.

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