December 6, 2023

8 Advantages of Mendeley to Make it Easier for Writers!

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8 Advantages of Mendeley to Make it Easier for Writers!

Reference Management Software is an automated software that helps researchers manage references documents that were cited in a research. For authors of scientific articles, national and international indexes such as Scopus and SINTA required authors to input bibliographic data manually. Reference software options that can be used by researchers include Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, Citavi, and others. Nowadays, Mendeley is one of the most popular RMS used by both researchers and journal editors. Besides the fact that its is easy to use, here are some advantages of using Mendeley:


1. It is free

Since it was acquired by Elsevier in 2008, Mendeley has also routinely updated its software. By using a Mendeley account, you can log in to the Scopus overview to access Scopus content coverage, source list, abandoned source list, and others. This is useful for Mendeley users such as students, teachers, and researchers.


2. Multiplatform & mobile device support

Mendeley Desktop currently supports multiple operating systems such as Windows, Mac, Linux, and Debian. Users can also download the Mendeley applications for mobile devices so that they may use it as a reference on the go! 


3. Various citation styles available

To select a quote or citation, there are more than 7000 citation styles available. Examples of some of the styles presented in this app are IEEE, APA 7th edition, American Political Science Association, and others. This means that your article will have no trouble getting published in any journals with specific referencing requirements.


4. Support annotation & highlight

Mendeley has its own PDF viewer. Thus, when we open Mendeley Desktop software, we can also open the reference PDF file immediately. Furthermore, we can also add important notes (annotations) and highlight text while reading the article.


5. Author Profile

Through this feature, Mendeley allows its users to interact with other users. Mendeley profiles can be used to display our publications, collaborators we have worked with, research topics, and even our background as editors or reviewers. We can also follow or send messages to people who have a big influence on our research topic!


6. Data repository

One of Mendeley’s newest features is Mendeley Data. This feature stores our research attachments, such as data, transcripts of conversations or interviews, questionnaires, images, and others.


7. Mendeley Career & Funding

Another advantage is that authors can make a CV and upload it to the Mendeley Career site to receive suitable job offers that Mendeley Career provides. More than 6,000 global agencies are waiting for you. In addition, you can also search for any organizations that may become interested in funding your research through Mendeley Funding.


8. User-friendly

The main reason why Mendeley is widely used everywhere is because of how easy it is to access and use this application. This is due to the quite clear information provided by this software. Mendeley users only need to follow the instructions listed.


That’s 8 advantages of using Mendeley to make it easier for writers. You can read more articles about tips on writing, publishing journals, and getting to know about scientific journals by visiting us on @jfpublisher and @jakadjournal.

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