October 20, 2023

Style of Reference Writing

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Style of Reference Writing

Writing references and citations in an article is the basis of research because it provides validity by including reference sources. The researchers has conducted in-depth research and respects the other’s opinions. The importance of references in articles demonstrates academic integrity which can be conducted by citing sources appropriately, avoiding plagiarism, and maintaining the originality of the article. In addition, references provide support to the statement or opinions presented in the article.

References can help readers to obtain additional information and evaluate the validity of the data. Relevant and reliable references will also make it easier for readers to verify the facts and data presented in the article. Experts and previous researchers have properly cited references and attempted to maintain academic integrity.

The researchers will cite references when doing the assignment, scientific articles or theses with certain reference writing according to existing guidelines. Therefore, researchers should know the types of reference writing, such as:


1. American Psychological Association (APA)

APA reference writing is a type of reference that is commonly used for research in various fields.

Example: Putri, R. M. (2022). Religious Existentialism of Victor Frankenstein’s Obsession in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Srawung: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 12–23


2. American Medical Association (AMA)

AMA reference writing is a type of reference that is commonly used for research in the field of health or medical topics.

Example: Asdie RH, Mulya DP, Nainggolan M. Assessment of 28-day survival of patients with sepsis based on vitamin D status: hospital-based prospective cohort study in Indonesia. Pan Afr Med J. 2023;45(76):1-10. doi:10.11604/pamj.2023.45.76.36336



IEEE reference writing is a type of reference that is commonly used for research in the field of engineering topics

Example: Z. Rusli, D. Mashur, R. E. Yozani, D. K. Habibie, H. T. R. F. Simanjuntak, and T. Saputra, “The Governance of Downstream Oil Palm Development in the Technopolitan Area of Pelalawan Regency,” Int. J. Energy Econ. Policy, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 233–240, Mar. 2022, doi: 10.32479/ijeep.12636


4. Turabian

Turabian reference writing is a type of reference that is commonly used for research in the field of legal topics.

Example: Widodo, Ismu Gunadi, J. Andy Hartanto, Eddy Pranjoto, and Jonaedi Efendi. “Constraints on Enforcement of Environmental Law Against Corporate Defendants.” Environmental Policy and Law 49, no. 1 (May 7, 2019): 76–83

The types of reference writing above provide clear guidelines of how to cite sources, page format, citation structure and more. In addition, researchers can easily produce well-structured and professional academic works.


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