June 6, 2023

What is H-Index Journal?

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What is H-Index Journal?

What is H-Index Journal?

An aspect of the scientific journal indexation process is the H-index. You will not only find this H index when indexing national journals but international journals as well. In line with this, how significant is the H-index for authors and researchers. The H-Index Journal: What is it?


H-Index Journal: What is it?

Standard for evaluating journal productivity is the H-index. How frequently these publications are referenced or mentioned by other academics or scientists determines the H-index. The H-Index is an indexation that aims to measure the significance, influence, or impact of academic publications or journals.

Where can the Hirsch number or Hirsch Index, also known as the H-Index, be obtained? H-Index can be obtained through indexing publications, for example, SINTA, Scopus, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Google Scholar, Garuda, BASE, CrossRef, and others.


How is the H-Index calculated?

The number of articles that are indexed and cited together determine the H-index.  An academic, for instance, is said to have an H-Index if he has h articles with at least h citations for each publication.

The number of articles that are indexed and cited together determine the H-index. For example, an academic is said to have an H-Index if he has h articles with the number of citations for each article at least equal to h.

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If a researcher, for instance, gets an H-index score of 10, it means that at least 10 other papers have cited at least 10 of their publications. As opposed to i10-index, which indicates that academic articles with scores have been cited in at least 10 other articles. If a researcher, for example, gets an i10-index score of 4, it signifies that at least 4 of his or her publications have been cited in at least 10 other works.


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