June 26, 2024

How to Write Your Article Structurally Correct

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How to Write Your Article Structurally Correct


As an academic, writing scientific articles is an essential part.

Scientific articles are a primary medium for disseminating research findings across various disciplines and sub-disciplines. Therefore, it is essential for academics to grasp and master the correct article structure to meet prevailing writing standards. This understanding not only aids in effective information conveyance but also ensures acceptance and appreciation within the academic community.

The structure of scientific articles is crucial in research. It directs attention not only to the ideas and findings but also to the clarity with which information is presented, influencing how well research is comprehended and valued. A well-organized structure enables readers to follow the author’s reasoning, comprehend the methodology employed, assess the results obtained, and contemplate the implications of the findings.

 Articles usually include research reports, literature reviews, theoretical suggestions, or unexamined opinion articles. The format of published articles also varies depending on the policies of the journals or publishers.

Following is the structure of a proper scientific article:

  1. Title

The importance of choosing an article title. The title of the article serves an important function in communicating the material of the article, this allowing readers to understand the main point of the article without having to read the whole article.

2. Abstract

The abstract is almost similar to the summary, except that the abstract has its own specific role. Abstract is a brief summary of the article’s content, with the aim of providing a global overview without referring directly to the entire article.

Read more : Preparing for International Journal Submission

3. Introduction

The introduction is a brief overview of the research being discussed. It serves as a context for the reader to understand the purpose of the research and the broader theoretical framework.

4. Materials and Methods

Materials and Methods provides a detailed description of the process under research. This section contains information, the data, descriptions and types of research methods.

You can read more articles on writing tips, publishing journals, and getting to know more about scientific journals by visiting us at @jfpublisher and @jakadjournal.

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